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Transaction Limits
Sameer Kapur avatar
Written by Sameer Kapur
Updated over 5 months ago


Glide offers flexible transaction limits for deposits, allowing financial institutions to set various controls based on their needs.

Daily Limits

A daily maximum limit can be set per product category (e.g., savings, checking, share certificates). These limits apply to both card and ACH payments and can be combined across categories. For example:

  • Savings and/or Checking: $10,000 daily limit

  • Share Certificates: $250,000 daily limit

Note: The "day" for daily limits is based on your credit union's local time.

Card Transactions

  • A minimum and maximum transaction limit can be set per product.

  • A maximum funding limit per membership can be set (e.g., a member cannot fund more than $1,000 over the lifetime of their membership).

ACH Transactions

  • Set minimum and maximum transaction limits per product.

Funding Before Submission

Glide allows you to configure products that do not require funding at the time of account opening.

For both ACH and card funding, Glide first checks the transaction limit for the specific product. It then checks whether the daily ACH limit has been exceeded.

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