Glide, in partnership with Plaid Identity Verification, offers robust fraud prevention measures to effortlessly onboarding good actors while screening out bad actors.
In order to grant staff members access to view Plaid IDV results, please follow the following steps.
Start on https://plaid.com/ and use the log in button on the top right to log into your dashboard.
Next, click on settings in the navigation bar on the left.
Click on Members in the navigation bar on the left. Then, click on "Add a team member+" in the top right.
Next, enter in the first name, last name, email, and permissions of the staff member you'd like to invite.
Recommended Minimum Privileges:
General Permissions > Case Review (Includes PII)
Identity Verification Permissions > View All PII
Identity Verification Permissions > Manage IDV Sessions
Monitor Permissions > Monitor Read & Write All
The invited staff member will receive an email invitation and must click the link in the inbox to accept the invitation. Until then, they will be in the invited members section.