Glide offers trust account opening on member flow and the staff dashboard. Learn more about the account opening flow, application notes, and supported customizations below.
Trust Account Opening Flow
Below is a list each question asked within the trust account opening process on member flow in order of how screens are presented to the member.
Application Information
Plaid IDV
Employment status & info
Eligibility type & information
What Type of Trust Would You Like to Open?
Title of Trust
Date of Trust
Trust document upload (optional screen)
Have You Received a Tax Identification Number Issued for the Trust by the IRS?
Yes, I have received a Tax Identification Number for the Trust
Trust Identification Number
No, I use my SSN for the Trust
Legal Name and SSN of Trustor
Choose Your Role on This Trust
Trustor as Trustee
For irrevocable trusts, “trustor as trustee” option is hidden.
Successor Trustee
For revocable trusts, the successor trustee option for the applicant will be hidden.
Add Another Role To Trust
Trustor as Trustee
For irrevocable trusts, “trustor as trustee” option is hidden.
Successor Trustee
If the applicant chooses to add a trustor as trustee, trustee, or trustor to the trust application, the applicant can choose to invite the trust member (they'll recieve an email to complete Plaid IDV) or they can fill out the details manually.
If the applicant chooses to add a Successor Trustee, they'll be required to enter the successor trustee's first name and last name and will not go through Plaid IDV.
Review page
Disclosure/agreements and submit
Applicants must add at least one trustor and one trustee in order to submit an application. Alternatively, applications can be submitted with one trustor as trustee.
All trust applications will go to the pending queue (auto decisioning is not supported).
Irrevocable trust role users will not be able to access the onboarding page.
Revocable trust users will be able to view the onboarding page. The onboarding page for trust roles is similar to the one for personal membership, however the ability to add joint owners and beneficiaries is removed.
By default, Glide only sends trustee users to the core.
Trusts will automatically have the primary share selected within their application. Share selection options are not shown to applicants. Members of revocable trusts are able to add additional shares via the onboarding page once approved.
Collection of deceased trustees is not supported.
Trust names automatically get run through Plaid Watchlist checks (OFAC screening) on submission.
Supported Customizations
Adjust all verbiage within the flow
Add or remove subtexts on each screen
Require trust document collection
Adjust agreements specifically for trust account opening
Adjust emails specifically for trust account opening