Example Sandbox Business Attributes
One major benefit of using the Sandbox environment is that you can walk through various example scenarios that you might encounter.
To do so, include one (or more) of the specified values in the table below in the application. This will allow you to run specific scenarios and build out your procedures accordingly.
For the applicant, the “Leslie Knope” credentials must be used to pass Plaid IDV.
Plaid Identity Verification will pass any verification with the zip code 46001. Use this information to get past verification for all signers.
Type | Value | Description |
Name | Unregistered Business | The business has no Secretary of State filings. The Business returned will have no associated registrations. |
Name | Similar Name Business | The business has a Secretary of State filing with a similar name to the submitted business name. The "name" review task indicates that a similar name was found to the submitted name. |
Name | Corporation, LLC, Partnership, Sole Proprietorship , Trust, Agent, and Non Profit | The business will have a formation entity_type matching the type of the submitted business name. Corporation is the default if there's no entity type provided. |
Name | Young Business | The business will have been formed 10 days ago. The formation date should be ten days before the current date. |
Address | 123 Grand St., New York, NY 10013 | Unable to identify a match to the submitted Office Address. The submitted address is not found to match any address listed in Business records. |
Address | 223 Grand St., New York, NY 10013 | Identified a similar address. The submitted address is similar to an address that has been found. |
Address | 423 Grand St., New York, NY 10013 | Identified an approximate address. Identified an address within 0.2 miles of the submitted Office Address |
Address | New York, NY | Identified an incomplete address. Identified a partial match with a submitted address that is incomplete |
Address - CMRA | Include "cmra" in address_line1 or full_address (i.e 991 cmra st., New York, NY 10013")You may also combine this w/ Office Address -Verification values. For example, "423 Grand St. cmra" will trigger an Approximate Match + CMRA task | Identified a CMRA address. Submitted Office Address is zoned by USPS as a Commercial Mail Receiving Agency |
Address - Registered Agent | Include "registered agent" in address_line1 or full_address (i.e 991 registered agent st., New York, NY 10013")You may also combine this w/ Office Address -Verification values. For example, "423 Grand St. registered agent" will trigger an Approximate Match + Registered Agent task | Identified a Registered Agent address:Submitted Office Address is actually the address of a Registered Agent, not the actual business |
Address - Deliverability | Include "undeliverable" in address_line1 or full_address (i.e 991 st. undeliverable, New York, NY 10013"You may also combine this w/ Office Address -Verification values. For example, "423 Grand St. undeliverable" will trigger an Approximate Match + Undeliverable task | Identified an Undeliverable address:The USPS is unable to deliver mail to the submitted Office Address |
SOS Filings - Domestic | Business Name = "Domestic Missing" | Missing Domestic Secretary of State Filing: The business has no domestic filing |
SOS Filings - Domestic | Business Name = "Domestic Inactive" | Domestic Secretary of State Filing is Inactive: Inactive domestic filing found |
SOS Filings - Domestic | Business Name = "Domestic Unknown" | Unable to detect status of Domestic Filing: No domestic filing status provided |
SOS Filings - Partially Inactive | Business Name = "Partial Inactive" | At least one Secretary of state filing is inactive and another active: At least one filing is active. Another inactive. |
Person | J Doe | Unable to identify a match to the submitted person. The person input will result in an unverified Person, meaning there's no match found to the Person's name on any Business record. |
TIN | 110000099 | TIN Name mismatch. The submitted TIN was found to be associated with a different entity name. |
TIN | 111222333 | TIN Name unknown and issued. The submitted TIN's status is unknown. The TIN's issued status will be issued. |
TIN | 444555666 | TIN Name unknown and not issued This TIN will return unverified with the submitted name and will also be marked as unissued. |
TIN | TIN = 222333444Person = Jane MatchIf SSN or SSN and EIN is added to the end of the Person name, then the returned tin_type will change accordingly | TIN Name matches the submitted person.The submitted TIN is associated with the submitted person. |
TIN | Business name ends with SSN or SSN and EIN | TIN type changed The submitted TIN will have a tin_type of whichever type is added to the submitted business name |
TIN | 333444555 | IRS Unavailable. The IRS is unavailable at this time. TIN will be rerun once the IRS is available again. |
Bankruptcy | A business name containing the word bankruptcy | The business will have a bankruptcy. The Business will have a bankruptcy attached. |
Watchlist | A Business name or Person name containing the phrase watchlist hit. | The business or person will have a watchlist hit on them |
Industry Classification | Any website | The business' website will have an industry classification |
Industry Classification | A website containing the words highrisk | The business' website will have an industry classification with a high risk result. |
Any | Any | Verified. If none of the above inputs match, the Business will fallback to verifying all information. Given most inputs then, you can expect to receive a Review object with successful tasks. |
Name | Any business name | No liens will be found. The liens search will return no records for this business. Note: Liens is a premium feature and will not be included unless this is part of the order package. |
Name | A business name containing the phrase short analyst review | This will simulate a standard case of a business being flagged for the Analyst-in-the-Loop flow by delaying the completion of the Identity order by 2 minutes. After 2 minutes the business will move into pending. |
Name | A business name containing the phrase long analyst review | This will simulate a long-running case of a business being flagged for the Analyst-in-the-Loop flow by delaying the completion of the Identity order by 10 minutes. |
NPI Records | A business named "Healthcare Provider" | This will return a business with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Provider_Identifier returned. The submitted address will be linked to an NPI record. |
FMCSA Registrations | A business named "Trucking Business" | This will return a business with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Motor_Carrier_Safety_Administration. The submitted address will be linked to an FMCSA registration. |
entity_type | CORPORATION | This will cause the entity_type_match insight to return a failure |
entity_type | LLC | This will cause the entity_type_match insight to return a success |
Feel free to mix-and-match any of the values found on the table to create unique scenarios. For example, you can create a business with an approximate address match and unverified person using the inputs 223 Grand St., New York, NY 10013
and J Doe
, respectively.