Fraud Checks & KYB
Data provider
Glide uses Middesk as our KYB provider - the only U.S business identity provider with complete reliance on first party data sources only (Secretaries of State, IRS, USPS, OFAC, etc.). All 52 secretaries of states are supported (all 50 states, plus Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico). Middesk built, owns and operates these pipelines - enabling us to have 100% coverage and freshness. Middesk is able to control the quality of the data provided normalization and 100mm+ internal business records.
Data Freshness
Middesk’s data refreshes as frequently as each state database refreshes (in some states, on a daily cadence; in other states on a bi-weekly cadence). This is compared to the once every 6-9 months by older solutions like FIS BizChex & Qualifile.
Inputs for KYB
Website (Optional)
Databases searches
Secretary of State in all 50 states (always)
IRS TIN match (always)
Provided website and domain record (If provided)
Industry regulatory bodies (NPI, FMCSA, FDIC, etc. - as necessary)
USPTO and trademark data (as necessary)
Data returned:
Registered entity name
Registered entity addresses
Business license status
Entity formation date, time in business
Formation state
Entity type (corporation, LLC, partnership, etc.)
Officers and directors
Address type (residential, commercial, CMRA)
All Secretary of State records
Geocoded address data
Sanctions list results (OFAC, DDTC, BIS)
Signals returned
Whether the tax ID belongs to the entity in question
Whether the tax ID belongs to other known entities
Whether website belongs to business entity
Domain registration relative to entity formation
KYB responses
There are 40+ possible responses to the fraud checks run on businesses. These responses are outlined here.
Example Fraud & KYB section on Glide Dashboard:
Example Reports