Glide receives 200+ different attributes from the credit bureaus. Our list of standard attributes in the table below are supported out of the box. If you would like to decision based on our full list of attributes, additional set up time may be required.
Credit Score
VantageScore returns a single number, ranging from 300 to 850. The table below maps numeric credit score ranges to a user-friendly description.
Min Score | Max Score | Description |
300 | 499 | Very Poor |
500 | 559 | Poor |
560 | 669 | Fair |
670 | 749 | Good |
750 | 809 | Great |
810 | 850 | Excellent |
Standard Attributes
Attribute | Description |
PT179 | Balance on open credit card accounts. |
PT205 | Balance on all unsecured personal accounts, including joint and authorized user accounts. |
PT021 | Monthly payment on auto loans. |
PT014 | Monthly payment on all accounts. |
PT130 | Number of tax liens. |
PT149 | Number of public records filed in the past 24 months (this includes judgments). |
AT02S | Number of open accounts (trade lines). |
PT143 | Number of 30-days-late reports in the past 12 months. |
G251A | Number of 60+-days-late reports on non-medical accounts. |
PT069 | Number of charge-offs in the past 12 months. |
GB311 | Has a bankruptcy ever been reported? (1 = yes, 0 = no). |
S207S | Number of months since the most recent bankruptcy (primary detection method). |
S207A | Number of months since the most recent bankruptcy (alternate detection method). |
PT126 | Credit utilization on bankcard accounts. |
PT160 | Credit utilization on open accounts. |
PT174 | Balance on non-medical collection accounts. |
GB311 | Has a bankruptcy ever been reported? 1 = yes; 0 = no. |
PT072 | Number of delinquencies in the past 30 days. |
PT016 | Credit utilization on revolving accounts |
AP004 | Number of hard inquiries in the past 24 months. |
Full List of Attributes
The attributes below are the full list of attributes. Decisioning based on these attributes may require additional set up time.
Number and Age of Accounts
Attribute | Description |
PT023 | Age in months of the borrower's credit file. |
PT082 | Age in months of the newest account. |
PT120 | Age in months of the newest bankcard account. |
PT163 | Age in months of the newest installment account. |
RE21S | Age in months of the newest revolving account. |
AT20S | Age in months of the oldest account. |
PT181 | Age in months of the oldest account. |
BC20S | Age in months of the oldest credit card account. |
PT079 | Age in months of the oldest installment account. |
PT095 | Age in months of the oldest installment account. |
PT080 | Age in months of the oldest revolving account. |
RE20S | Age in months of the oldest revolving account. |
S004S | Average age in months of all accounts. |
AP002 | Average age in months of an open account. |
AP003 | Average age in months of an open account excluding authorized user and joint accounts. |
AP012 | Average age in months of all open installment accounts. |
AP011 | Average age in months of all open revolving accounts. |
AP013 | Average age in months of all open accounts excluding revolving and installment accounts. |
PT022 | Date (MMYYYY) that the oldest account was first reported. |
PT076 | Date (MMYYYY) that the oldest account was first reported. |
AP001 | Number of accounts. |
AT01S | Number of accounts. |
AT06S | Number of accounts opened in the past 6 months. |
PT092 | Number of accounts opened in the past 12 months. |
AT09S | Number of accounts opened in the past 24 months. |
PT138 | Number of accounts active in the past 6 months. |
PT166 | Number of auto loans opened in the past 6 months. |
PT119 | Number of bankcard accounts. |
PT121 | Number of bankcard accounts opened in the past 6 months. |
PT200 | Number of closed accounts. |
PT190 | Number of closed credit cards. |
PT191 | Number of closed installment accounts. |
BC06S | Number of credit cards opened in the past 6 months. |
PT159 | Number of credit union accounts. |
IN06S | Number of installment accounts opened in the past 6 months. |
PT155 | Number of installment accounts opened in the past 12 months. |
PT194 | Number of installment accounts that stayed current over the past 24 months. |
PT193 | Number of loans and credit cards applied for in the past 24 months. |
PT083 | Number of mortgage accounts. |
PT139 | Number of mortgages opened in the past 6 months. |
MT06S | Number of mortgages opened in the past 6 months. |
PT150 | Number of non-federal student loans. |
AT02S | Number of open accounts. |
PT201 | Number of open accounts. |
BC02S | Number of open credit cards. |
PT182 | Number of open credit cards. |
BC12S | Number of open credit cards active in the past 12 months. |
IN02S | Number of open installment accounts. |
PT140 | Number of open installment accounts opened in the past 24 months. |
MT02S | Number of open mortgages. |
PT183 | Number of open retail accounts. |
RE02S | Number of open revolving accounts. |
RE12S | Number of open revolving accounts active in the past 12 months. |
PT167 | Number of retail accounts opened in the past 6 months. |
PT105 | Number of revolving accounts. |
RE06S | Number of revolving accounts opened in the past 6 months. |
PT157 | Number of revolving accounts opened in the past 12 months. |
PT158 | Number of revolving accounts opened in the past 24 months. |
PT110 | Number of revolving accounts opened in the past 7 years. |
PT168 | Number of student loans opened in the past 12 months. |
PT104 | Number of open accounts rated as satisfactory. |
AT104S | Percentage of accounts opened in the past 24 months. |
AT103S | Percentage of open accounts rated as satisfactory. |
Account Ratings
Ratings may differ between bureaus. Contact your CSM to learn more about using Account Rating attributes.
Attribute | Description |
G310S | Worst rating on all accounts in the past 12 months. |
PT188 | Worst rating on currently open accounts. |
G304S | Worst rating on installment accounts in the past 12 months. |
PT189 | Worst rating on mortgages in the past 12 months. |
G302S | Worst rating on revolving accounts in the past 12 months. |
Balances and Payments
Attribute | Description |
PT068 | Average balance on an open account. |
PT056 | Balance on all accounts. |
PT202 | Balance on all accounts. |
PT204 | Balance on all personal accounts, including joint and authorized user accounts. |
PT205 | Balance on all unsecured personal accounts, including joint and authorized user accounts. |
PT206 | Balance on all secured personal accounts, including joint and authorized user accounts. |
PT187 | Balance on currently delinquent accounts. |
AT33A | Balance on open accounts that have been active in the past 12 months. |
AT33B | Balance on open accounts active in the past 12 months, excluding mortgages and home equity accounts. |
AU33S | Balance on open auto loans active in the past 12 months. |
PT179 | Balance on open credit card accounts. |
BC33S | Balance on open credit cards active in the past 12 months. |
IN33S | Balance on open installment accounts active in the past 12 months. |
PT020 | Balance on open mortgages. |
MT33S | Balance on open mortgages active in the past 12 months. |
PT180 | Balance on open retail accounts. |
PT017 | Balance on open revolving accounts. |
RE33S | Balance on open revolving accounts active in the past 12 months. |
ST33S | Balance on open student loans active in the past 12 months. |
PT146 | Balance on unsecured accounts. |
PT145 | Balance on unsecured credit cards. |
PT162 | Highest balance on a revolving account. |
PT014 | Monthly payment on all accounts. |
ATAP01 | Monthly payment on all accounts active in the past 12 months. |
PT021 | Monthly payment on auto loans. |
PT019 | Monthly payment on mortgages. |
AP005 | Number of payments made on all accounts. |
PT154 | Number of revolving accounts with a non-zero balance. |
Available Credit, Credit Limit, and Credit Utilization
Attribute | Description |
PT192 | Available credit as a percentage of the credit limit on revolving accounts. |
G202A | Available credit on open accounts active in the past 12 months, excluding installment accounts and mortgages. |
PT112 | Available credit on open bankcard accounts active in the past 6 months. |
BC102S | Average credit limit on an open credit card account active in the past 12 months. |
RE102S | Average credit limit on an open revolving account active in the past 12 months. |
PT054 | Credit limit on open accounts. |
AT28A | Credit limit on open accounts active in the past 12 months. |
AT28B | Credit limit on open accounts active in the past 12 months, excluding mortgages and home equity accounts. |
AU28S | Credit limit on open auto loans active in the past 12 months. |
PT118 | Credit limit on open bankcard accounts. |
PT177 | Credit limit on open credit cards. |
BC28S | Credit limit on open credit cards active in the past 12 months. |
PT103 | Credit limit on open installment accounts. |
IN28S | Credit limit on open installment accounts active in the past 12 months. |
MT28S | Credit limit on open mortgages active in the past 12 months. |
PT178 | Credit limit on open retail accounts. |
PT111 | Credit limit on open revolving accounts. |
RE28S | Credit limit on open revolving accounts active in the past 12 months. |
ST28S | Credit limit on open student loans active in the past 12 months. |
PT126 | Credit utilization on bankcard accounts. |
PT153 | Credit utilization on installment accounts. |
PT160 | Credit utilization on open accounts. |
AT34A | Credit utilization on open accounts active in the past 12 months. |
AT34B | Credit utilization on open accounts active in the past 12 months, excluding mortgages and home equity accounts. |
AU34S | Credit utilization on open auto loans active in the past 12 months. |
AP006 | Credit utilization on open credit cards excluding authorized user accounts. |
BC34S | Credit utilization on open credit cards active in the past 12 months. |
IN34S | Credit utilization on open installment accounts active in the past 12 months. |
MT34S | Credit utilization on open mortgages active in the past 12 months. |
RE34S | Credit utilization on open revolving accounts active in the past 12 months. |
ST34S | Credit utilization on open student loans active in the past 12 months. |
PT016 | Credit utilization on revolving accounts. |
PT195 | Highest credit limit on an open bank credit card. |
S043S | Number of open accounts with 50%+ credit utilization active in the past 12 months, excluding installment accounts and mortgages. |
PT198 | Number of open credit cards with 90%+ credit utilization. |
PT199 | Number of open retail accounts with 90%+ credit utilization. |
PT115 | Percentage of bankcard accounts with 75%+ credit utilization. |
BC30S | Percentage of open credit cards with 50%+ credit utilization active in the past 12 months. |
BC31S | Percentage of open credit cards with 75%+ credit utilization active in the past 12 months. |
RE30S | Percentage of open revolving accounts with 50%+ credit utilization active in the past 12 months. |
RE31S | Percentage of open revolving accounts with 75%+ credit utilization active in the past 12 months. |
Attribute | Description |
PT187 | Balance on currently delinquent accounts. |
PT142 | Number of 30+-days-late reports on mortgages in the past 6 months. |
G250A | Number of 30+-days-late reports on non-medical accounts. |
G250B | Number of 30+-days-late reports on non-medical accounts in the past 12 months. |
G250C | Number of 30+-days-late reports on non-medical accounts in the past 24 months. |
PT143 | Number of 30-days-late reports in the past 12 months. |
PT141 | Number of 30-days-late reports on mortgages in the past 12 months. |
G251A | Number of 60+-days-late reports on non-medical accounts. |
PT090 | Number of accounts currently 30 days late. |
G218B | Number of accounts currently 30+ days late and active in the past 12 months. |
PT094 | Number of accounts 120 days late. |
PT185 | Number of accounts 30+ days late in the past 6 months. |
PT091 | Number of accounts 90+ days late in the past 24 months. |
PT089 | Number of accounts 120+ days late in the past 2 months and still 120+ days late. |
PT184 | Number of accounts that have ever been delinquent. |
AP008 | Number of accounts that have had major derogatory marks. |
AP008_RAW | Number of accounts that have had major derogatory marks as calculated by TransUnion. |
G020S | Number of accounts with a maximum delinquency of 30 days late in the past 24 months. |
PT165 | Number of auto loans that have been 30 days late in the past 6 months. |
PT122 | Number of bankcard accounts that have never been delinquent. |
PT197 | Number of credit cards and retail accounts 30+ days late in the past 6 months. |
PT063 | Number of currently delinquent accounts. |
PT065 | Number of currently delinquent installment accounts. |
PT064 | Number of currently delinquent revolving accounts. |
PT027 | Number of delinquencies in the past 12 months. |
PT071 | Number of delinquencies in the past 2 years. |
PT072 | Number of delinquencies in the past 30 days. |
PT073 | Number of delinquencies in the past 60 days. |
PT074 | Number of delinquencies in the past 7 years. |
PT186 | Number of installment accounts 60+ days late in the past 6 months. |
AP007 | Number of minor delinquencies across all accounts. |
S061S | Number of months since an account has been 60+ days late. |
PT088 | Number of months since an account has been 90+ days late. |
S062S | Number of months since an account has been 90+ days late. |
PT125 | Number of months since the most recent bankcard delinquency. |
AT36S | Number of months since the most recent delinquency. |
IN36S | Number of months since the most recent installment account delinquency. |
MT36S | Number of months since the most recent mortgage delinquency. |
RE36S | Number of months since the most recent revolving account delinquency. |
G224A | Number of non-medical accounts 90+ days late. |
G217S | Past due amount of all accounts active in the past 12 months. |
AT57S | Past due amount of open accounts active in the past 12 months. |
AU57S | Past due amount of open auto loans active in the past 12 months. |
BC57S | Past due amount of open credit cards active in the past 12 months. |
HI57S | Past due amount of open home equity accounts active in the past 12 months. |
HR57S | Past due amount of open home equity and line of credit accounts active in the past 12 months. |
IN57S | Past due amount of open installment accounts active in the past 12 months. |
MT57S | Past due amount of open mortgages active in the past 12 months. |
RE57S | Past due amount of open revolving accounts active in the past 12 months. |
ST57S | Past due amount of open student loans active in the past 12 months. |
G051S | Percentage of accounts that have ever been delinquent. |
PT093 | Percentage of accounts that have never been delinquent. |
Attribute | Description |
AP004 | Number of hard inquiries in the past 24 months. |
PT038 | Number of inquiries in the past 6 months. |
S114S | Number of inquiries in the past 6 months, excluding duplicates, auto loan inquiries, and mortgage inquiries. |
G238S | Number of inquiries in the past 12 months, excluding collections inquiries. |
G244S | Number of inquiries, including duplicates, in the past 12 months. |
G103S | Number of months since the most recent inquiry. |
Public Records
Attribute | Description |
G093S | Number of public records. |
PT149 | Number of public records filed in the past 24 months (this includes judgments). |
PT129 | Number of public records with a past due amount greater than $100. |
AP010 | Public record information (pipe-separated tuples represent public records). |
AP010_RAW | Public record details in raw form (pipe-separated tuples). |
Collections, Liens, Bankruptcies, and So On
Attribute | Description |
PT132 | Balance on collection accounts. |
PT174 | Balance on non-medical collection accounts. |
PT137 | Balance on non-medical collection accounts in the past 6 months. |
S204A | Balance on non-medical third-party collection accounts active in the past 12 months. |
PT176 | Dollar amount of judgments. |
PT148 | Dollar amount of judgments filed in the past 6 months. |
PT175 | Dollar amount of tax liens. |
PT147 | Dollar amount of tax liens filed in the past 6 months. |
GB311 | Has a bankruptcy ever been reported? (1 = yes, 0 = no). |
G094S | Number of bankruptcies. This includes all bankruptcies recorded as a public record, regardless of disposition. |
PT069 | Number of charge-offs in the past 12 months. |
PT144 | Number of collection accounts with a balance greater than $500. |
PT196 | Number of collection accounts with a non-zero balance. |
PT134 | Number of foreclosures. |
S207A | Number of months since an account was reported as part of a bankruptcy. |
S207S | Number of months since the most recent bankruptcy was filed. |
CO04S | Number of months since the most recent charge-off. |
FC04S | Number of months since the most recent foreclosure. |
S209A | Number of months since the most recent non-medical account fell into third-party collections. |
G095S | Number of months since the most recent public record. |
RP04S | Number of months since the most recent repossession. |
G215B | Number of non-medical third-party collection accounts with a non-zero balance. |
PT136 | Number of non-medical collection and charged-off accounts in the past 24 months. |
PT151 | Number of repossessed auto loans. |
PT133 | Number of repossessions. |
PT130 | Number of tax liens. |
S068A | Number of third-party collection accounts. |
Attribute | Description |
PT203 | Does the customer’s credit file contain too little information ("thin file")? Y=yes; N=no. |
AP009 | Is the borrower deceased? 1=yes; 0=no. |