Files 📁
Your credit union may use a Document Storage solution, such as: MVI LaserFiche, JackHenry Synergy, Fiserv Nautilus, etc.
Glide will securely send any documents related to member accounts to an SFTP Server hosted by your credit union. From this server, it is up to your credit union how you would like to uptake files from this server into your chosen Document Storage vendor.
Account Opening Documents 📑
How it Works
Glide automatically generates or collects a number of documents related to the member’s account: ChexSystems reports, signature cards, identification documents (Driver’s Licenses, Passports, etc.), and eligibility verification documents.
Once collected from the member, Glide will send any new documents collected from our application to your SFTP server every hour. If a document is missing from the SFTP server, it may be because it has recently been created/received and the next hour-mark has not yet occurred.
Naming Conventions
Glide is happy to abide by your credit union’s existing naming conventions for documents — meaning, if certain document types follow a naming format that is used to differentiate it from other document types, Glide will work with your IT team during the integration to ensure we are naming files correctly.
For solutions such as Jack Henry Synergy (and others), if a companion file is required to be sent alongside a given file, we will work with your IT team to configure the companion file correctly.
ACH Origination & NACHA Files 🔔
How it Works
Glide is able to generate NACHA Files for ACH funding transactions submitted via Glide for that day of transaction activity. The time at which this document is sent to your credit union is up to you and your accounting team.
We are able to combine debit & credit transfers into one file, or separate them out into individual files. We are also able to delay sending credit files, if your credit union does not warehouse ACH credit files. Let us know how you handle ACH and we are happy to work with you!
For more info on ACH origination & NACHA files, see here.
Signature Pads 📝
Glide is able to automatically complete your credit union’s signature card upon member disclosure opt-in. Once a member agrees to the disclosures presented, we will automatically fill out the signature card and prepare it for delivery via the SFTP method outlined above.
However, if a member is opening an account in-branch, we are natively integrated to the Topaz Signature Pads that your credit union uses. Please refer to "Configuring Signature Pads in branch" guide below on how to install to requisite software for this purpose.
Domain Name System 🗄️
At two points in the Glide integration period, we will ask your IT team to add DNS records to your chosen DNS vendor or system:
To allow Glide to send automated e-mails from your credit union’s domain (e.g. [email protected])
To host the final online member experience at your credit union’s domain (e.g.
For #1, we will send over 3 CNAME Records and 1 TXT Record, generated from our chosen e-mail vendor SendGrid. We will require the e-mail address that you’d like members to receive e-mails from, as well as a reply to address for replies to be routed to. Once your IT department adds these records, Glide is able to then automatically send e-mails during the Account Opening process to your members.
For #2, we will send over 4 NS Records to be added to your root domain (e.g. One of these is to set up the domain certificate for your chosen production domain, and the other is to host the production member-facing application.
Please note that this is the only supported method of hosting the Glide application at your credit union’s domain. If you’d like to opt for another method, additional fees will be incurred in order to support and maintain your credit union’s custom DNS setup. The integration period may need to be extended in order to achieve a custom setup.
Core Integration 💾
Glide works with our partner Janusea in order to connect to your core system. Whether hosted or on-premise, Janusea will need to send over an SD-WAN router in order to send and receive messages to your core system (a high-availability or disaster recovery device is optional at additional cost). Once this SD-WAN device is connected successfully, Glide will be able to send data to your test and production cores.
The focus of the IT integration will be to make sure that the Glide application is able to successfully connect to and write data to your core system. To that end, please be prepared and make sure that your IT department is equipped to handle the networking procedures involved in this endeavor.