Testing Personal Information
Use the credentials below to test in the staging environment. Please contact your CSM for your specific staging links.
Plaid IDV
Zip code: 46001
OTP verification code: 11111
Use any email, name, address, phone, SSN, document
Phone Number: 234-567-8909
DOB: January 18th, 1975
OTP verification code: 11111
Non-happy path
Any information with a zip code other than 46001
Eligibility Verification
Glide supports automatic eligibility verification for several eligibility types. To get past this step automatically, use any eligibility type.
If you get put into the pending state, use the staff dashboard to approve your application and continue testing.
Bank Account Funding
Automatic bank transfer
Search and select "M&T Bank"
username: user_good
password: pass_good
Testing Card Funding
Use one of the following card numbers:
Credit Card: 6011000000004675
Debit Card: 5200820000007201
Non Reloadable Prepaid Debit: 5223100000008423
Reloadable Prepaid Debit: 379032000006086
Generic Decline: 6011111111111117
Use a valid future date, such as 12/34.
Use any three-digit CVC (four digits for American Express cards).
Use any value you like for other form fields.
Direct Deposit
Use any employer
Test credentials should pre-fill
Promo codes
Promo codes can be set up in your core.
Any 10 digit string will allow you to successfully apply a promo code.
Log in
Use the log in credential below to see the status of applications and resume any existing ones. Note: You may see applications from other test users after logging in because of the shared log in credential.
Phone Number: 234-567-8909
OTP: 111111