Glide's preferences page allows FIs to offer optional services, such as overdraft protection and courtesy pay. This page can be added to the account opening flow and supports multiple configuration options.
The URL for this page is /preferences. If enabled, this page appears just before the disclosures page. By default, this page is turned off.
Preferences Page Visibility Options:
Option 1: Default behavior - Preferences page is hidden
Keeping the preferences page off allows for the least friction during the account opening experience. FIs without the preferences page see up to 6% improvement in conversion compared to applications with preferences page turned on.
Option 2: Show Preferences Page when checking accounts are added.
Showing the preferences page only when checking accounts are added is the most common option. If one or more checking accounts are added during the account opening journey, the preferences page will appear in the flow.
Option 3: Always show the preferences page
Showing Preferences Page regardless of the share products selected may be suitable for your credit union if your credit union supports overdraft options regardless of products.
Additional Configuration Option:
Select which membership types the preferences page appears
Different questions asked on the preferences page between membership types is not supported at this time.
Preferences Page Configuration Options:
Up to three elements can be added to the preferences page. Elements refer to either a required disclosure, optional disclosure, required selection, or optional selection.
Additionally, disclosures or selections can be configured to be required to open. Your Integration Team can help guide you on the best options based on your FIs requirements for preferences.
Example 1: Credit Union A
In this example, the first element is a required disclosure. Applicants cannot continue if they do not select the first element. The second and third elements are optional selections for Overdraft Protection and Courtesy Pay for Overdrafts on ATM/Debit Card.
Example 2: Credit Union B
In this example, the first element is a required disclosure. In addition, the first element but be opened in order for the applicant to continue. Applicants cannot continue if they do not select the first element. The second and third elements are optional selections for Overdraft Protection Transfers and Overdrafts on ATM/Debit Card.
Example 3: Credit Union C
This credit union requires all applicants to opt into their standard overdraft protection.
In this example, the first element is a required disclosure. Applicants cannot continue if they do not select the first element. The second element is a selection for Courtesy Pay for Overdrafts on ATM/Debit card and must be opened in order to be selected.
Example 3: Credit Union D
In this example, the credit union included overdraft protection in their regular disclosures and presents one optional selection for Overdraft Protection for ATM withdrawals and one-time debit card transactions.